Why CLAC Is a Bad Union

Why CLAC Is a Bad Union

Wondering if CLAC is a bad union? Choosing the right union can be a vital step for workers seeking to improve their working conditions, negotiate better pay, and secure essential benefits. However, not all unions are created equal, and it’s crucial to recognize the differences between them. The Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) has come under scrutiny for its practices and principles, leading many to question its effectiveness as a union. This article will discuss the reasons behind CLAC’s negative reputation and provide guidance on how workers can organize their workplaces with a reputable union representative.

Lack of Genuine Representation

One of the most significant issues with CLAC is the lack of genuine representation for its members. In many cases, CLAC negotiates contracts directly with employers without involving the workers they claim to represent. This top-down approach can lead to less favorable terms for employees, as their voices are not adequately represented during negotiations. A reputable union, on the other hand, should prioritize the input and participation of its members, ensuring that workers’ rights and interests are effectively represented.

Lower Wages and Weaker Benefits

It’s not uncommon for workers represented by CLAC to receive lower wages and weaker benefits compared to their counterparts in other unions. This is because CLAC often strikes deals with employers that prioritize the employer’s interests, rather than advocating for better terms for the workers. Workers seeking a union that will fight for higher wages, improved working conditions, and comprehensive benefits packages should consider looking beyond CLAC.

Susceptibility to Employer Influence

CLAC’s reputation as a “company-friendly” union makes it susceptible to employer influence. This can result in CLAC prioritizing the interests of employers over those of the workers they claim to represent. An effective union should maintain a clear line between itself and the employers, ensuring that it acts as an independent advocate for its members.

How to Organize Your Workplace with a Reputable Union Representative

Before joining a union or starting the organizing process, it’s essential to research the various options available. Look for unions with a strong track record of advocating for workers’ rights and securing better pay and benefits for their members.

Connect with Other Workers

Discuss your concerns and aspirations with your co-workers to gauge their interest in organizing. Building a strong network of support within your workplace is critical to the success of your organizing efforts.

Reach Out to a Reputable Union

Contact a reputable union representative or create an account on YouIn?, and express your interest in organizing. They will guide you through the process and provide valuable resources and assistance to help you build a strong foundation for your union.

Develop a Strategy and Campaign

Work with the union representative to develop a strategy and campaign that will resonate with your co-workers and successfully address the issues you face in your workplace.


While CLAC may not be the best choice for workers seeking genuine representation and improved working conditions, there are reputable unions available to assist in organizing your workplace. By researching your options and collaborating with a reliable union representative, you can work towards building a union that truly advocates for your rights and interests as a worker.

Better is possible.