Steps to Join Electrical Union in BC​

Steps to Join an Electrical Union in BC

Looking to join an electrical union in BC? Starting a union at an electrical company in British Columbia can be a challenging task, but it can also be a rewarding one for the workers. A union provides workers with a collective voice and representation, allowing them to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

The process of starting a union involves a series of steps, including organizing, communicating with coworkers, and ultimately, achieving certification.In this article, we will discuss the benefits of starting a union, the steps to organizing through YouIn?, and historical unionization efforts in British Columbia.

Benefits of Starting a Union

Improved Wages and Benefits: One of the main benefits of starting a union is that workers can negotiate for better wages and benefits. Through collective bargaining, unionized workers can secure better pay, benefits, and working conditions than they would otherwise be able to achieve on their own.

Job Security: Unionized workers also benefit from increased job security. Union contracts often include provisions that protect workers from layoffs, termination, and other forms of discrimination.

Health and Safety: Unions also play a critical role in advocating for improved health and safety conditions in the workplace. Through collective bargaining and other advocacy efforts, unions can secure better working conditions for workers, reducing the risk of injury and illness.

Improved Working Conditions: In addition to advocating for better health and safety conditions, unions also work to improve other aspects of the workplace, such as scheduling and workload. Unionized workers are often able to negotiate for better schedules, less demanding workloads, and more flexible work arrangements.

Steps to Organizing

Research: Before starting the organizing process, it is important to research the company and the industry to understand the existing working conditions and the challenges that workers face. This research can help you identify potential allies and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the company and its management.

Create a Union Drive: YouIn? is a platform that helps workers organize digitally and anonymously. This platform can be used to invite coworkers, vote on unionization, and organize actions such as signing union cards.

Educate Workers: It is important to educate workers about the benefits of unionizing and the process of starting a union. At YouIn?, we will help you educate your coworkers on the reasons unionizing is so beneficial.


Recently, workers at Ledcor in British Columbia have achieved a significant victory in their efforts to unionize. After a five-year legal battle, the electrical workers were finally granted the right to unionize. This is a significant milestone for the workers who were fighting for fair wages, better working conditions and job security. The unionization effort was met with resistance from the company, however, the workers’ persistence and determination ultimately led to a successful outcome.

This unionization effort serves as a shining example of the power of collective action and the importance of workers standing up for their rights.

Unions are like electricity. We need them.