How To Join an Amazon Union: A Guide for Workers in Canada

How To Join an Amazon Union: A Guide for Workers

Looking to start an Amazon union in Canada? As an Amazon warehouse worker, you may have experienced challenges in the workplace, from long hours to low pay to poor working conditions. But did you know that by unionizing Amazon, you and your coworkers can come together to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions? This is where our platform comes in.

YouIn? is a platform designed to help workers in Canada anonymously vote to unionize their workplace online. Our platform provides resources and union experts to guide workers through the process, making it easy and secure for you to exercise your right to unionize.

Here's how we can help you unionize your Amazon warehouse:

  1. Create a YouIn? account: The first step is to create a YouIn? account and invite your coworkers to join. This way, you can keep track of who has joined and who still needs to be invited.

  2. Gather information: Work with our experts to gather the necessary information and plan the unionization process. This includes figuring out what kind of union you want to form and determining the necessary steps to get there.

  3. Hold a confidential vote: Use our platform to hold a confidential vote and determine if a majority of workers are in favor of unionizing. This vote is confidential, so you can make your voice heard without fear of retaliation.

  4. Sign certification cards: Once 60% of your workplace vote in favour of starting a union, we will send each worker a certification card to sign. This will be emailed to your union representative.

  5. Negotiate a collective bargaining agreement: If the vote passes, our experts will assist in negotiating a collective bargaining agreement with management. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your employment, including wages, benefits, and working conditions.

  6. Enjoy the benefits: Enjoy the benefits of being part of a union, including better wages, benefits, and working conditions. By coming together as a united force, you and your coworkers can negotiate for a better workplace and make a real difference in your lives.

Don’t let fear or confusion prevent you from exercising your right to unionize. YouIn? makes it easy and secure for you to come together with your coworkers and negotiate for a better workplace.

Take the first step today and see the real difference unionizing can make for you and your coworkers.

Where unions are most firmly organized, there are the rights of the people most respected.