frequently asked questions

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For Workers

A union is an organization that represents the collective interests of workers. By joining together, workers can negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions with their employers. Unions play a crucial role in protecting workers’ rights and ensuring fair treatment in the workplace.

As Stevens and Poirier report, in 2022 unionized workers earned hourly wages 11% higher than their non-union counterparts. This wage premium helps improve the quality of life for workers and their families.

Unionizing in Canada offers a range of significant benefits to workers, enhancing their overall employment experience and quality of life. Here are some key advantages of forming or joining a union:

  1. Higher Wages: Unionized workers in Canada typically earn higher wages compared to their non-unionized counterparts. This wage increase helps improve financial stability and quality of life for workers and their families.

  2. Improved Benefits: Union members often have better access to benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave. These benefits contribute to the overall well-being and security of workers.

  3. Job Security: Unions provide greater job security through negotiated contracts that protect workers from arbitrary layoffs and unjust termination. This ensures a more stable employment environment.

  4. Safer Working Conditions: Unions advocate for safer working environments by negotiating for proper safety measures, training, and compliance with health and safety regulations, resulting in fewer workplace injuries and accidents.

  5. Stronger Collective Bargaining Power: Being part of a union gives workers a collective voice, enabling them to negotiate more effectively with employers for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. This collective bargaining power can lead to more favorable outcomes for workers.

  6. Grievance Procedures: Unionized workers have access to formal grievance procedures, allowing them to address workplace issues more effectively and fairly. This ensures that workers have a platform to voice their concerns and seek resolutions.

  7. Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Unions often negotiate for better work-life balance, including reasonable work hours, flexible schedules, and improved leave policies. This helps workers manage their professional and personal lives more effectively.

  8. Solidarity and Support: Union membership fosters a sense of solidarity and mutual support among workers. This collective strength can lead to a more positive and cooperative workplace environment.

We prioritize the anonymity of workers throughout the union organizing process. This approach ensures that you can engage in union activities with confidence, knowing your identity is protected.

Here’s how we define and uphold anonymity on our platform:

  • Anonymous Invitations: The inviting process is anonymous. All invitations to join the platform or participate in union activities are sent anonymously, protecting the identity of the sender.

  • Anonymous Voting: Participate in votes without revealing your identity. This feature allows for honest feedback  without fear of employer retaliation or peer pressure.

  • Private User Accounts: User accounts are designed with privacy in mind. We do not share your personal information with employers or third parties.

  • Secure Data Storage: Your data is securely stored and protected with the latest security measures. Access to personal information is strictly limited to authorized personnel only.

For Unions

When you invite a worker, they will receive an anonymous email from YouIn? notifying them about the unionization effort at their workplace.

They will be instantly invited to join the union drive, where they can access information provided by the union organizer and vote on whether they support the organizing initiative.


Access to workplace data will be restricted to the account associated with union organizer and the YouIn? team.

For additional details, please visit our Terms and Privacy page.

After creating a Premium account with YouIn?, your union will appear in the dropdown list for workers to select as their representative when initiating an organizing drive.