Joining A Union in British Columbia Has Never Been Easier

Joining A Union in British Columbia Has Never Been Easier

If you’re an employee in British Columbia who’s considering joining a labour union, you might be surprised at just how easy the process can be. One of the most straightforward methods to join a union is through the card check system. In this blog post, we’ll explore the card check process, its benefits, and how you can take advantage of this hassle-free option for unionizing your workplace.

The Card Check Process

In British Columbia, the card check system is a legally recognized and widely-used method for employees to join a labour union. The process is simple: union organizers collect signed membership cards from employees who want to join the union. Once a majority of employees have signed cards, the union can apply for certification with the British Columbia Labour Relations Board (BCLRB).

Here's a step-by-step guide to the card check process:

  1. Union interest: If a group of employees is interested in joining a union, they’ll often get in touch with a local union that represents their industry.

  2. Union meetings: Union organizers will meet with employees to discuss the benefits of unionization, answer questions, and address concerns.

  3. Signing membership cards: Employees who want to join the union will sign membership cards, demonstrating their support for unionization.

  4. Submitting the cards: Once a majority of employees (at least 50% + 1) have signed cards, the union can submit them to the BCLRB.

  5. Certification: If the BCLRB verifies that a majority of employees have signed cards, they’ll certify the union as the bargaining agent for the employees.

The Benefits of Card Check

The card check system has numerous advantages for employees seeking to join a labour union:

  • Simplicity: The card check process is straightforward and doesn’t require employees to go through a complex procedure or election.
  • Speed: The process can be completed in a matter of weeks, whereas secret ballot elections can take months.
  • Privacy: Employees can sign their cards confidentially, reducing the risk of employer interference or retaliation.
  • Reduced employer influence: The card check system minimizes the opportunity for employers to campaign against unionization or intimidate employees.

Taking Advantage of Card Check

If you’re an employee in British Columbia who’s interested in joining a labour union, the card check process can be an excellent option. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Research: Familiarize yourself with the benefits of unionization and the specific unions that represent your industry.
  2. Engage: Talk to your coworkers about their interest in unionizing and discuss the potential benefits of joining a union.
  3. Contact: Reach out to the union that best represents your industry and discuss your interest in organizing your workplace.
  4. Collaborate: Work closely with union organizers to build support among your coworkers and complete the card check process.

YouIn? Platform

Lastly, the YouIn? platform can be a helpful way of managing your coworker signings. It’s a digital tool that allows you to anonymously invite your coworkers – which can be particularly effective in hostile organizing environments.

Strength in numbers.